Friday 20 May 2011

Eyes on the prize

It's been a busy week. Between studying for exams, practicing for track and field, and getting used to my new smoothie breakfast regime, I'd almost forgotten about submitting my story for the Martyn Godfrey Young Writers' Award.

Just kidding.

Really. How could I forget?

That's not to say I didn't try to push it out of my mind. I mean, there's not much I can do until the winners are announced on June 1.

But then I got the WordsWorth poster in the mail. It came with my bright yellow canola notebook, a Martyn Godfrey novel I'm half-way through reading (wow! he could really write) and a pen. Of course I started jotting notes for a new story right away. But I also made use of the poster. It's hanging on my fridge. Every time I grab the ingredients for my smoothie, I see it.

And drool.

I keep checking out the WordsWorth blog and the camp sounds SO amazing. I know I should be studying or logging some extra clicks while the sun is shining, but in the back of my head I've always got my eyes on the prize.

Of course, it doesn't hurt to have the poster in front of Mom's eyes, too. Maybe she'll send me to camp even if I don't win...

Gotta jet.

- Chase Superman Duffy

PS - If you want to register for WordsWorth, the camp for youth who believe in the power of words, you can download the registration forms here. For full details, check out the WordsWorth blog or the Young Alberta Book Society website.

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