Friday 31 May 2013

Sliding into my outdoor shoes...finally

This was the LONGEST wait for Spring ever. Mother Nature kept teasing us with warm weather, then snow, then record-highs, and more snow. It was like a giant pinball game. I thought I’d never get outside for practice.

But I think the worst of the cool weather is behind us. Which means, I’m trading in my gym pass for my outdoor sneakers and hitting the pavement. Or the trails around Grandpa’s canola field.

Track and field training has begun, and if I want a leg up on the competition, I need to push hard. I heard Lightening has already beat his personal best!

Practice is essential but I know eating right and getting lots of sleep also keep me fresh and fueled for the track. I’m powering through Grandma’s delicious Strawberry smoothies, loading up on delicious fruits and veggies, some protein, whole grains and a bit of healthy fats.

 Now, if this wind would just die down!

Gotta jet! 

- Chase "Superman" Duffy

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