Tuesday 15 April 2014

M is for MUSE

Hey! Follow me this month as I work through the alphabet of great writing tips, from creating ACTION to getting into the ZONE. Then, go here to see who else is taking part in the 2014 A to Z Blogging Challenge.

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Music is my MUSE.

Maybe that sounds funny, but I don’t fully understand the idea of making someone specific (or even made up) responsible for my creativity.

I don’t believe in waiting for “the muse to strike” (whatever THAT means…) because you should be able to write at any time. Right?

But if we’re talking about straight up inspiration, or the kinds of things that inspire my creativity, then music is absolutely my muse.

In fact, whenever I start writing a short story, an essay, a poem, or even in my journal (link to journal post), I create a new playlist on my MP3 player. It’s a combination of songs that speaks to whatever “mood” the piece I’m writing should reflect. Like, when I’m writing action, the songs are more upbeat. Sometimes, I try to find songs without lyrics, so the music just fades into the background. But I almost ALWAYS have music playing when I write. It inspires/energizes/grounds me!

My friend Sophie told me about Soundcloud. It’s a place you can go to follow other musicians — many who don’t have songs on the radio or albums to buy. This weekend, I’m creating a new playlist for the next scene in my short story. I think I’m going to check out Soundcloud.

Do you have a muse?

Gotta jet!

— Chase Superman Duffy

1 comment:

  1. So true, about muse = inspiration. If I waited for the muse to visit me, I'd, well, still be waiting. The sound of crows caws has a way on inspiring me sometimes. :-)
    The View from the Top of the Ladder
