Tuesday 11 April 2017

I is for Insulin and IMAX

In celebration of Canada’s 150th birthday, my theme for the 2017 Blogging From A to Z Challenge, is CANADA. 

Join me throughout April (every day except Sundays) to learn more about the inventions, the people, and the cultures that make up one of the greatest countries in the world.

Insulin and IMAX

Hey! Welcome back to my A to Z Challenge posts. Today, I’m especially grateful for the work of three Canadian scientists from the University of Toronto—Frederick Banting, Charles Best and James Collip—who, back in the 1920s discovered and purified insulin, creating a new and effective treatment for diabetes.

If you’ve followed my blog or read any of the Superman Duffy graphic novels, you know that my grandpa is diabetic. Before the invention of insulin, a low-calorie, no-carbohydrate diet was the only effective treatment for the disease—but at only 500 calories a day, that kind of diet isn’t sustainable for anyone. Plus, the patient had to have tremendous willpower! 

Because of these Canadian scientists, my grandpa still has to watch what he eats—but he has more options, and occasionally, he can even have one of Grandma’s infamous Monster Cookies. Trust me, they’re worth it. (Hint: The recipe is in the Superman Duffy graphic novel, Tasting My Story.)

I’m also thankful for the four Canadians that invented the IMAX theatre. Because of the work by Graeme Ferguson, Roman Kroitor, Robert Kerr, and William Shaw, I saw the last Superman movie on high definition on a very big screen. Is there any other way to watch a super hero? 

What’s the last movie you saw in IMAX? For Easter, I’m taking my sister to Beauty and the Beast.

Gotta jet! See you tomorrow for an interesting letter “J” post. 

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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