Monday 16 October 2017

Halloween Countdown: 15 Sleeps!

It's that time again! I've put it off for the first half of the month, but I can't put it off any longer—it's time to start thinking about this year's Halloween costume.

I expect to see a few "wonder girls" at my school and trick or treating on the block this year—to be expected given the huge popularity of the movie (which was awesome if you haven't seen it). But I'm not sure if I want to take the super hero route again. I've dressed up as Superman many times, sometimes when it's not even Halloween!

Here are a few of my costumes from the past years:

Which one do YOU like? Or, should I try something completely different? Maybe I'll take a walk around a costume store today after school and see what pops out at me—er, literally. <grin>

Share your costume (or an idea for me) in the comments below, and you could WIN a copy of Beneath The SOIL, the spookiest graphic novel in the Superman Duffy collection.

Gotta jet! See you tomorrow for another exciting Halloween post.

~ Chase Superman Duffy

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